Various Artists : "Post Office"
Telegraph CD/2xLP
TEL06, June 2002
CD/2LP :
01 Cabanne - Dawn
02 Ben Nevile - Petid
03 Cabanne - Epik
04 Unknown Mysterioso - Taimz
05 Cabanne - Daredard
06 Ark - Pro-Blaim
07 Daniel Bell - Rhodes 1
08 Cabanne - After U
09 Akufen - Oral 03
10 Interlude - Trex produced by Cabanne
11 Dimbiman - Do The Dimbi
12 Robert Hood - Realm
13 Ricardo Villalobos - My Life Without A Wife
14 Ultra Kurt - Ultra Ours
15 Deperissement Progressif - Panic Patrol Blues produced by Ark & Mr Oizo
12" :
A1 Daniel Bell - Rhodes 2
A2 Cabanne - Daredard
B1 Ben Nevile - Petid
B2 Robert Hood - Realm
C1 Ricardo Villalobos - My Life Without A Wife
C2 Cabanne - Epikol
D1 Ultrakurt - Ultra Ours
D2 Ark - Pro-blaim |
What a way to get your label recognised, release a compilation that not only features well known artists, but has the artists giving tracks that devestate. With 8 tracks on the vinyl and 15 tracks on the CD release I kid you not, this is an astounding compilation. Featuring Daniel DBX' Bell, Cabanne, Ben Neville, Rob Hood, Ricardo Villalobos, Ultrakurt, Ark and Akufen. The opening track on the vinyl, Dan Bell's Rhodes 2' steps aside from his ultra minimal excursions and really steps up the funk quota, dropping rhodes samples around clicks and squeaks and a swinging 4/4 beat, sounding close to Akufens later productions with randomised samples cutting in and out, yet blended with the reduced elements that DBX is famed for. Cabanne open the CD with Dawn', a superbly crafted deep techno track that offers an atmosphere of space with the early morning strings that float over the beat, while percussive sounds keep the rhythm tight organ sounds step in to fill the beat and create a groove not a million miles away from Moodyman. Cabanne also drop Daredard' on both the cd and vinyl versions, a minimal sub bass driven track that builds tentatively into a looped rhodes groove of the deepest kind, showing off their production skills and handling minimalism at its deepest. Next up is the king of reduced techno Rob Hood, who drops Realm' on both formats, and there is no messing about, straight in with the groove, bass and beats combine almost to a single melody, sparse keys and noises play around the tight rhythm and collate together to arrive at a classic slice of Mr Hood's music, minimal and excruciatingly good. Also on both formats Ricardo Villalobos has My Life without a Wife', a loose fitting groove backed by conga rolls giving a funky swing to a 4/4 track, robotic voices and noises hold the loose percussion together and soaring synth notes bring a sense of quiet craziness to the track. There are 4 exclusive tracks to the CD, one being Akufens Oral 03', which is taken from the awesome early release on Oral, a fine example of the man's blistering cut up clicky beats with flicking synths creating that Akufen groove and building up to a spannered collection of noises and squirts with superb use of reverbs across the samples. Essential stuff throughout.
Fusselige Synapsenschwing-Funkyness in a minimal Clickhouse-Style. "Post Office", konzipiert als quasi Willkommens-Fußmatratze von Telegraph Records, dem Sublabel der ohnehin tendenziell unterstützenswerten Logistic Records aus Montpellier, lässt ihren Rezensionswastl auch bei 35 Grad im Schatten noch unangebracht hibbelig durch Parkanlagen schlenkern. Was für ein Bild, weil: was für eine Platte. Locker angerührte Basslines, angesetzt auf federnden (Splitter) Beats, Schaffelswingerei obendrauf und laid back mit Cocktailschirmchen ohnehin. Zusammenhänge? Mal schön, mal noch schöner. Die Logik des geilen Zufalls, charmant und kaum vorhersehbar. Namen auch noch gefällig? Zunächst die üblichen Verdächtigen aus Umfeld und Wahlverwandtschaft: der feine Herr Cabanne gleich in vierfacher Ausführung, dubby Exkursion mit Ben Neville, Ark als er selbst und als Unknown Mysterioso. Weiter die fieberschwangeren Gelüste eines Dimbiman und gewohnt Hochwertiges von everybody's Cut-up-Wunderwuzzi Akufen aus Kanada, im hinteren Postfach mit Robert Hood und Ricardo Villalobos auch noch große Namen. Am Ende darf Stoffpuppen-Rocker Oizo gemeinsam mit Ark auch noch nach neuen Ufern suchen (als Deperissement Progressif). Telegraph, ganz sicher Label mit Zukunft zum Draufwetten. Muss jetzt aufhören zu zappeln, dringend. Essentiell phonky Gelenkschmiere, das.
A couple of years ago, a paradigm shift occurred in the world of techno. Minimal techno and hard techno DJs reached an apogee of aggressive floor-pounding and stark rhythms; they exhausted the potential of mindfuck-minimal sounds in the scene of the warehouse. The scene itself was exhausted, and was beaten down on two fronts: by commercial-corporate-criminal inroads controlling much of the production of events (as well as drugs), as well as police quite literally beating down the participants of underground events (I remember quite well an outdoor party I threw in Vancouver, BC; the cops, shutting us down, told everyone to go to the legal rave being held at that time at UBC). A year or two passedperhaps it was in 1995, or 1997, as it happened in pockets and sporadicallywhere the scene dedicated to the underground (whatever that is) grew bitter and cynical. Some went far out into performance art and politics; others gave it up altogether, and a few sold-out for the bucks as electronica hit the mainstream. But somehow, at some point, the techno scene came around to the house scene (as it always has, the two often being almost indistinguishable). Techno producers moved into experimental territory, either into microsound or minimal house-techno, what we, in 1998, called tech-house. Today, these same producers often produce both genres, mixing elements and production techniques of the two (Taylor Deupree comes to mind). The mood has shifted. Gone are the days of Richie Hawin-Jeff Mills style Sickness parties and relentless tribal speaker worship; instead we welcome the days of intellectual music festivals with a heavy dance component, choosing weed and alcohol over ecstasy and acid, getting down at events such as Mutek, Sonar, and DEMF.
Dans l'entourage de bons gars comme John Thomas ou Ark, Cabanne anime son label Telegraph avec dévouement. Une structure tournée vers les attaques de la tek minimale, soit une poignée de producteurs d'envergure, présents ici dans cette série enchaînée mais pas mixée. Histoire, peut être, de rompre la monotonie des séquences nues, des quelques sonorités choisies dans ces super-edits alignés. Confectionnés avec si peu de choses: du funk lézardé, des synthés défraîchis, et les réminiscences industrielles souvent de mise entre deux respirations. Parmi les invités, Daniel Bell, Akufen ou Ricardo Villalobos poursuivent les grains de silence jusqu'au dernier avec une certaine maestria, que nos Français n'ont pas à leur envier. |