Djouls / T.I.M.E.C.
Cannonbutt : Enfin le 2ème single de Grant Phabao! Killer acid filtered disco dubby pumpin' house: "the bongo beat" indeed. The sun... the moon... très barré à sa sortie, en écoutant le "It began in Afrika" des Chem' Bors. aujourd'hui on se rend compte qu'en pleine déferlante french touch, GP évoluait lui déjà aux frontières de tous les styles de dance-music bien formatés qu'il a rapidement assimilées. Une production terrible parsemée de breaks absurdes tout du long, histoire de mettre le feu aux dancefloors avec le sourire.
Porkshopper : "We don't share no more like we used tp". "Stay at each other's house"... Moodymann, pumpin' & preachin'? Non, non, on reconnait très bien Grant Phabao, en fait. Nappes et claviers jazz, breaks improbabales autant qu'imparables, beat démultiplié qui parcourt chaque membre du corps, petits bruits tout partout en arrière-fond pour ceux qui ont des oreilles... Grant Phabao's got soul!
Charlestonslip : Un track de Grant Phabao qui démarre par un riff de guitare bien saturé? Ah mais c'est notre Henchy national (qui a malheureusement abandonné la musique en 2002 pour se consacrer à des activités plus lucratives), vieux compadre de Grant Phabao des bancs de la fac, qui vient en guest (with courtesy of T.I.M.E.C.), faire fusionner ses accords POP et sa voix de vieux fumeur avec une production breakbeat dub signée Grant Phabao, dans l'esprit de son "Zinedine" pour le groupe Molesting Laura. Un track psychedelico-breakbeat saisissant qui prendra toute son ampleur en générique du court-métrage de Manuel Moutier avec Brigitte Fossey, "Toujours plus loin". Une riche idée à repiquer d'urgence!
Porkshopper as available on "Compilatrax vol 1"
Pro-zak Trax Took a while for this to grab on to me, everyone asks about it when I play it. "We don't share no more like we used to."
The Incredible Melting Man /T.I.M.E.C.
When Grant Phabao finally sees the light of day in the Paris suburb, it's usually because his curtains are badly shut. This mad alchemist of sound started his carrier right here, on the floor of his bedroom, stuck between a cassette player and an echo chamber. Recording for years everything that crosses his path: his musician friends, his telly, his neighbours banging on the radiator pipes pleading him to stop... everything! Optionally in the late 80's, Phabao sometimes grabs his bass guitar and creates noise in pop-rock and reggae bands. But Sound really motivates him. So in 1998 "Tub" is launched into the ears of an incredulous world, soon to become 1998 phenomenon by creating pure hysteria on dance-floors. From Paris to Ibiza, from New-York to Amsterdam, DJ's start mixing playfully with the track -Armand Van Helden, Roger Sanchez, Erik Morillo, Dj Nitro, Constipated Monkeys, Bad Boy Bill, DJ Dan- while the Guidance compilation "Hi-fidelity dub sessions vol.1" goes for Phabao's dub side and chooses "Andub Head Yudü" as one of the tracks for the album. Again stirring his musical influences together, Grant Phabao is back with a new EP and a new dance-floor favourite "Cannonbutt". Also appearing on the Pro-Zak Trax first compilation, it's a new energized house track that will surely follow Tub's fate. The b-side reveals two other faces of Phabao. The jazzy dub-like house of "Porkshopper" and the groovy rock "Charlestonslip" which features the long-time friend Henchy, from the French T.I.M.E.C. label and a world where pop, rock, kazoos and noise blend. An awkward collaboration. So praise it, it's the new Grant Phabao's offering! You have been warned...