Oh! Que je sois damné si ce n'est point un autre maxi rempli de remixes... et tous du même morceau en plus : le toujours aussi casse-gueule "More beats + pieces". Casse-gueule parce qu'il faut avoir un certain courage pour s'aventurer à compter le nombre de beats et de samples assemblées en un puzzle étrange mais qui tient... Comment remixer un truc pareil? Ils sont ici 5 à essayer de réaliser l'irréalisable comme John Mc Entire de Tortoise qui s'en tire en foutant le bordel dans la programmation si bien réglée. Kid koala ne fait pas mieux et déconstruit un "Atomic moog" qui n'a plus rien à voir avec l'original, par contre, quelle version! Q-bert s'y frotte et pique à coup de scratch pour une version hip hop à la mort. Enfin, une version drum & bass de T-power vient clore les débats de manière magistrale... Ah ouais! Donc c'est possible de remixer Coldcut?
Note impossible n'est pas ninja :     (Tiff) |
La discographie Coldcut :

Coldcut : "Autumn Leaves" (maxi ZEN1212, 1993.01)
12": Autumn Leaves / Fat Bloke
12" R: Autumn Leaves [Original] / Autumn Leaves [Naked Leaves] / Autumn Leaves [Acapella] / Autumn Leaves [Irresistible Force Full Chill Mix]
Coldcut : "Philosophy (album ZEN12, 1994.05)
Philosophy / Chocolate Box / Pearls Before Swine / What We're Living For / Leaving Home / Dreamer (Crazy Swing Mix) / Peace and Love / Kinda Natural / Autumn Leaves (Irresistible Force Full Chill) / Autumn Leaves (Acapella) / Eine Kleine Hedmusik / Sign / Angel Heart
The Illuminati of Hedfunk : "The worm turns" (maxi ZEN1230, 1995.07)
The Worm Turns / The Worm Turns (Mix)
Coldcut : "Atomic moog 2000" (maxi/CDS ZEN1248, 1997.01)
12": Atomic Moog (First Blast) / Atomic Moog (Bullet Train Edit) / Atomic Moog (The Herbaliser 'Post Nuclear Afterlife Lounge' mix) / Atomic Moog (Luke Vibert 'The Bomb' mix) / Boot The System / Re-Boot The System (Red Snapper mix) / Crash The System (Bedouin Ascent mix) / Crash (Bedouin Ascent mix)
CDS: Atomic Moog (Bullet Train Edit) / Atomic Moog (Post Nuclear Afterlife Lounge Mix) / Boot The System / Re-Boot The System / Atomic Moog (The Bomb) / Crash The System / Atomic Moog (Full Blast) / Natural Rhythm (CD Rom Video)
Coldcut : "More beats and pieces" (maxis/CDS ZEN1258, 1997.08)
12" 1: More Beats and Pieces (Daddy Rips It Up) / More Beats and Pieces (Kid Koala 'Obssessive Behaviour' mix) / More Beats and Pieces (John McEntire Tortoise mix)
12" 2: More Beats and Pieces (Q-Bert 'I Miss You Blobula' mix) / More Beats and Pieces (Beans & Pizzas - Strictly Kid Teeba Turntable Jam) / More Beats and Pieces (T Power 'Meet The Weasels' mix)
CDS: More Beats and Pieces (Daddy Rips it Up Mix) / More Beats and Pieces (John McEntire Tortoise Mix) / More Beats and Pieces (Q-Bert 'I Miss You Blobula' mix) / More Beats and Pieces (T Power 'Meet The Weasels' mix) / More Beats and Pieces (Beans & Pizzas - Strictly Kid Teeba Turntable Jam)
Coldcut : "Let us play" (album, ZEN30, 1997.09)
"Un album dub, trip hop, hip hop, breakbeat plein d'humour et de slogans écolos pas si bêtes" (Lire la chronique complète)
LP: Return To Margin / Atomic Moog 2000 (Post Nuclear After Life Lounge) / Noah's Toilet / More Beats and Pieces (Daddy Rips It Up Mix) / Rubaiyat / Pan Opticon / Music 4 No Musicians / Space Journey / Timber / Every Home a Prison / Cloned Again / I'm Wild About That Thing (The Lost Sex Tapes: Position 1)
2xCD: Return To Margin / Atomic Moog 2000 (Post Nuclear after Life Lounge) / Noah's Toilet / "More Beats and Pieces (Daddy, Rips It Up Mix)" / Rubaiyat / Pan Opticon / Music 4 No Musicians / Space Journey / Timber / Every Home a Prison / Cloned Again / I'm Wild About That Thing (The Lost Sex Tapes) / Atomic Moog 2000 (Bullet Train)
VHS: Return To Margin / Atomic Moog 2000 (Post Nuclear After Life Lounge) / Noah's Toilet / More Beats and Pieces (Daddy Rips It Up Mix) / Rubaiyat / Pan Opticon / Music 4 No Musicians / Space Journey / Timber / Every Home a Prison / Cloned Again / I'm Wild About That Thing (The Lost Sex Tapes: Position 1)
Coldcut : "Timber" (12" & 3 enhanced CD-singles! ZEN1265, 1998.01)
12": Timber (Original Version) / Timber (Quant's Shaggy Dog Story) / Timber (As One mix) / Timber (Journeyman mix) / Timber (DK recut)
CDS A: Timber (Chopped Down Radio Edit) / Timber (Quant's Shaggy Dog Story) / Timber (DK recut) / Timber (Future 3 Rework) / Timber (Clifford Gilberto Remix 2 "cracked timber") / videos by Hexstatic, EBN + Clifford Gilbero "a different forest"
CDS B: Timber (As One mix) / Timber (Journeyman mix) / Timber (LPC's Civilisation mix) / Timber (Bundy K Brown's "the cheech wizard's polythump Requiem For The Ancient Forests mix") / Timber (Original Version) / Videos by Hexstatic, LPC, Protean Vision Quest
CDS US: Timber (Chopped Down Radio Edit) / Timber (DK recut) / Timber (Future 3 Rework) / Timber (Clifford Gilberto Remix 2 "cracked timber") / Timber (As One mix) / Timber (Journeyman mix) / videos by Hexstatic, EBN, LPC, Protean Vision Quest + Clifford Gilbero "a different forest"
Coldcut : "Let us replay" (album, ZEN39, 1999.01)
"Des grands moments à écouter presque comme un nouvel album si ce n'est qu'ici, ce sont les futurs stars de Ninja Tune qui s'exercent à l'art de leurs maîtres" (Lire la chronique complète)
7": Noah's Toilet (Nobukazu Takemura Remix) / Rubaiyat (Ryuichi Sakamoto Remix)
10": Cloned Again (Yukihiro Takahashi Remix) / Space Journey (Hexstatic Remix) / Cloned Again (Rei Harakami Remix) / Timber (Voda Remix)
12": Every Home a Prison (Shut UP & Dance Mix) / Atomic Moog 2000 (Cornelius Mix) / Border (Coldcut vs. Silent Poets) / feat. Grandmaster Flash & DJ Food - Last Night a Cliche Saved My Life
2xLP: Atomic Moog 2000 (Cornelius Mix) / Every Home a Prison (Shut Up & Dance Mix) / Rubaiyat (Carl Craig mix) / Border (Coldcut vs. Silent Poets) / More Beats & Pieces (DJ Lord Fader turntable mix) / feat. Grandmaster Flash & DJ Food - Last Night a Cliche Saved My Life / Atomic Moog 2000 (Live at Sonar) / Panopticon (Live in Tokyo) / Return To Margin (J Swinscoe Mix) / Pan Opticon (Irresistible Force mix) / Feat. Salina Saliva, Jimpster and Bernard Purdie - The Tale of Miss Virginia Epitome / Noah's Toilet (Fuqua & Sycophants Version)
2xCD: Atomic Moog 2000 (Cornelius Mix) / Every Home a Prison (Shut UP & Dance Mix) / Rubaiyat (Carl Craig mix) / Border (Coldcut vs. Silent Poets) / More Beats & Pieces (DJ Lord fader turntable mix) / feat. Grandmaster Flash & DJ Food - Last Night a Cliche Saved My Life / Atomic Moog 2000 (Live at Sonar) / Panopticon (Live in Tokyo) / Return To Margin (J Swincoe Mix) / Pan Opticon (Irresistible force mix) / Feat. Salina Saliva, Jimpster and Bernard Purdie - The Tale of Miss Virginia Epitome / Noah's Toilet (Fuqua & Sycophants Version) / VJamm (AV software - demo version) / Atomic Moog 2000 (AV clips) / More Beats & Pieces (AV clips) / Timber (AV clips) / Timber (EBN mix) (AV clips) / The Message (AV clips)
Coldcut : "Cold-cut-outs" (album DG005, 2000.11)
Say Kids (What Time is it) / Beats and Pieces / Smoke Dis One (feat. Queen Latifa) / Off to Work / That Greedy Beat / Stop This Crazy Thing (Instrumental) / Ride the Pressure / Which Doctor? / Not Paid Enough / Kick Out The JamEs (Speng) / Panopticon Live Planet K 26/ 11/ 99 / Sign / The Original Box
Coldcut : "Re:volution" (maxi ZEN1288, 2001.06)
12": Re:Volution / Re:Volution (Bounty Beats) / Re:Volution (All Night Sitting) / Re:Volution (Polutapella)
7": Re:volution / Space Journey (Soul Cry Remix by Nautilis)
CDS: Re:volution / Space Journey (Soul Cry Remix by Nautilis) / Re:volution (Instrumental)
Coldcut : "Journeys by DJ - 70 minutes of madness mix" (CD JDJCDS004, 2002.07)
Bola - Philorine / Street beats vol.2 - Truper / One blood - Reid, Junior / Jam on revenge - Newcleus / Extreme possibilities (Wagon Christ remix) - 2 Player / King Ashabanapal (Dillinja mix) - Funki Porcini / Noddy Holder - Jedi Knights / Fuk - Plastikman / Mo beats - Coldcut / Manganese in deep violet - Bedouin Ascent / African drug - Holroyd, Bob / If there was no gravity - Air Liquide / Beats and pieces - Coldcut / Greedy beat - Coldcut / Music maker - Coldcut / Find a way (acapella) - Coldcut & Queen Latifah / King of the beats - Mantronix / Mag - Gescom / Bloody vibes (Kenny Dope remix) - Masters At Work / Trumpet riff - Corderdos, Raphael / Grace - Luke Slaters 7th Pain / First time I ever saw your face - Law, Joanna / Balthus bemused by colour - Budd, Harold / Into the 90's - Photek / Bridge is over - BDP / Nu blud - DJ Food / Friendly pressure (acapella) - Jhelisa / Freshness - Hookian Mindz / Message from our sponsor - Biafra, Jello / Unify - Pressure Drop (1) / Again son - Love Lee / Hot flush - Red Snapper / Dr Who (theme) - Grainer, Ron / Free - Moody Boyz / Dusk - DJ Food
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