El senor Rudy, aprés avoir tourné un certain temps à travers le monde, revient avec des images pleines de couleurs dans la tête. Comme d'habitude, il essaye de retranscrire ses diverses expériences, toujours emballées dans un langage emprunt de jazz, de hip hop et de musique du monde. Les sitars et les flûtes se mêlent à merveille dans une sauce bigbeat qui satisfera n'importe quel fan du genre. Du beau gros son bien cool à déguster épicé.
Note hiphopépicé :      |
La discographie Up, Bustle & Out :
Up, Bustle & Out : "The breeze was mellow (as the guns cooled in the cellar)" (album ZEN13, 1994.04)
Apple Strudle / Hearty Do-Lallies / Mr. Pavement Man In Urburbia / Clandestine Operation / Lazy Daze / Utopian Skank / Too Many Tricksters / Nightwalk / A Bootful Of Tablas / Y Ahora Tu / Coffee At Senor Rudi's / !Que Pasatiempo Mas Formidable!
Up, Bustle & Out : "Revolutionnary woman" (maxi ZEN1235, 1995.06)
The Revolutionary Woman Of The Windmill (La Bandolera Del Molino) / An African Friendship (Une Amitie Africane)
Up, Bustle & Out : "Aqui no mà" (maxi ZEN1228, 1995.06)
!Aqui No Ma! / Se Vende Coca Aqui / Draped, In Haste, Interpretation / The Hand Of Contraband / Discoursing Drums Mix
Up, Bustle & Out : "One colour just reflects another" (ZEN19, 1996.05)
"Leur concept novateur dans le genre: mettre en relation directe de la littérature (anglaise et espagnole) et de la musique ultra funk matinée d'une multitude de signaux éthniques différents" (Lire la chronique complète)
2xLP: Revolutionary Woman of The Windmill (La Bandolera Del Molino) / Running Rude / Ninja's Principality / Masked By The Hand Of Contraband / An African Friendship (Une Amitie Africane) / Mr. Pavement Man / !Aqui No Ma! / 12 Penny Apples / 3 Drunk Musicans / Poncho Cafe (feat. Martin Genge on flute) / Bicyles, Flutes & You / 1,2,3 Alto Y Fuera (feat. Ezra on Timbales) / An Unmarked Grave (In Memory of Butch Casidy and the Sundance Kid) (feat. Kevin Byrne on flamenco guitar)
CD: Revolutionary Woman of The Windmill (La Bandolera Del Molino) / Running Rude / Ninja's Principality / Masked By The Hand Of Contraband / An African Friendship (Une Amitie Africane) / Mr. Pavement Man / !Aqui No Ma! / 12 Penny Apples / 3 Drunk Musicans / Poncho Cafe (feat. Martini Genge on flute) / Bicyles, Flutes & You / 1,2,3 Alto Y Fuera (feat. Ezra on Timbales) / An Unmarked Grave (In Memory of Butch Casidy and the Sundance Kid) (feat. Kevin Byrne on flamenco guitar) / The Hand of Contraband / Ninja's Principality / Mr. Pavement Man
Up, Bustle & Out : "Revolutionnary woman (Remixes)" (maxi ZEN1241, 1996.06)
Revolutionary Woman (Nintin Sawhney mix) / Revolutionary Woman (Subtefuge mix) / Revolutionary Woman (Low Profile mix) / Revolutionary Woman (Yam Yam mix) / Revolutionary Woman (OestroGwen mix)
Up, Bustle & Out : "The dance of the caravan summer E.P." (maxi/CDS ZEN1242, 1996.06)
12": Introduction / The Dance Of Caravan Summer (From Andalucia To Bristol - Summer On The Sweet Wine - Party mix) / The Dance Of Caravan Summer (De-latinised hip hop Interpretation) / Kickin' More Ass Than Senoritas / Kickin' More Ass Than Senoritas (Discoursing Drums mix)
CDS: Introduction / The Dance Of Caravan Summer (From Andalucia To Bristol - Summer On The Sweet Wine - Party mix) / The Dance Of Caravan Summer (De-latinised hip hop Interpretation) / Kickin' More Ass than Senoritas / Aqua No Ma! / 12 Penny Apples (Corking Moustache Mix) / OestroGwen / Kickin' More Ass than Senoritas (drums and bongos mix)
Up, Bustle & Out : "Light'em up, blow 'em out" (ZEN27, 1997.05)
"El senor Rudy, aprés avoir tourné un certain temps à travers le monde, revient avec des images pleines de couleurs dans la tête" (Lire la chronique complète)
Silks, Perfume and Gold / Y Ahora Tu / Compared To What / The Beautiful Lure / Clandestine Operation / Lazy Daze / Apple Strudle / Ilusion (Bristol Sound System) / The Dance of Caravan Summer / Party With The Raj / Coffee at Senor Rudi's / Hearty Do-Lallies / Emerald Alley (Indian Morning Theme) / Rain In Tibet / Coca Conga (CD-only track) / Party With The Raj (CD-only track)
Up, Bustle & Out : "Silks, perfumes and gold" (maxi/CDS ZEN1255, 1997.05)
12": Silks, Perfume and Gold (Another Mans Frontier) / Silks, Perfumes and Gold (Persuasive Percussion) / Silks, Perfumes and Gold (Beats and Sitar) / Coca Conga / The Streets Of Himachal Pradesh
CDS: Silks, Perfume and Gold (Another Mans Frontier) / Silks, Perfumes and Gold (Beats and Sitar) / Coca Conga / Silks, Perfumes and Gold (Persuasive Percussion) / Streets of Himachal Pradesh
Up, Bustle & Out : "Emerald Alley / Compared to what" (maxi/CDS ZEN1257, 1997.07)
12": Compared To What (Chase mix) / Compared To What (Radio mix) / Emerald Alley (Indian Morning Theme) / Compared To What (Instrumental) / Emerald Alley (Maharani's Reflection mix)
CDS: Emerald Alley (Indian Morning Theme) / Compared to You (Chase Mix) / Emerald Alley (Beats) / Emerald Alley (Maharani's Reflection Mix) / Compared to What (Radio Mix) / The Amber Prayer
Up, Bustle & Out : "Cabine 744, 520... A dream of land and freedom E.P." (maxi/CDS ZEN1260, 1997.10)
12": Carbine 744,520... Che Guevara / Rebel Radio DJ mix / Visionary Garage mix / Guitar Transmission mix / Guitarra Por La Revolution / A Latin Affair / Revolutionary Woman of the Windmill (live)
CDS: Carbine 744,520... Che Guevara / Rebel Radio DJ mix / Guitar Transmission Mix / Visionary Garage Mix / A Latin Affair / Guitarra Por La Revolucion / Revolutionary Woman of the Windmill (live)
Up, Bustle & Out : "Master sessions 1" (album, ZEN46, 2000.06)
"Disons qu'il est tellement tombé amoureux de cette musique cubaine qui a envahi nos ondes que ces jam sessions lui ont donné plein de matière à malaxer, pour en faire ces breakbeats funky en diable et hors de toutes catégories" (Lire la chronique complète)
2xLP: The Educators / Rebel Satellite / Kennedy's Secret Tapes / Hip Hop Barrio / Pacho - Padrino Exchange / Back The Deal / Estudio Sonocaribe - 1 / Descarga Con Cafe / Havana's Street / Carbine 744,520...Che Guevara (Guitarra Por La Revolucion) / Por Eso Quiero / Los Locos Cubanos / Mami / Made In Cuba, Part 1
CD: The Educators / Hip Hop Barrio / Los Locos Cubanos / Mami / Rebel Satellite / Kennedy's Secret Tapes / Estudio Sonocaribe - 1 / Descarga Con Cafe / Por Eso Quiero / Havana's Street / Back The Deal / Carbine 744,520...Che Guevara (Guitarra Por La Revolucion) / Made In Cuba, Part 1 (& paperback book 'Rebel Radio Diaries' byRupert Mould in the CD+book edition)
Up, bustle & Out : "Hip hop barrio" (maxi ZEN1287, 2000.06)
Hip Hop Barrio / Descarga con Café / Mariel Port, Spanish Harlem / Hip Hop Barrio (Smith & Mighty 'Be for real' mix) / Hip Hop Barrio (Moodubi Party Talk mix) / Hip Hop Barrio (Smith & Mighty 'Back the Deal' mix) Chevrolet Verde Blanc
Up, Bustle & Out : "Ron y menta EP" (maxi ZEN1295, 2000.08)
Los Locos Cubanos (Snowboy's 'Batarumbaconga' remix) / Los Locos Cubanos (Album Version) / Mami (Album Version) / The Educators / Made In Cuba, 3
Up, Bustle & Out : "Master sessions 2" (album, ZEN58, 2001.07)
2xLP: Coffee Contamination / Sane Men Surround (Dedicated to Graham Greene) / Mariel Port, Spanish Harlem / Estudio Sonocaribe - 2 / Descarga Caramelo / Animate Maria / Picazón / Órgano de Bayamo / Barrio Beats / Rough Plough, Diamond Needle / Dominoe Boys / Siempre me levanto (Full Orquesta mix) / Peñalver, El Hombre / Jazz Sepulchre / Made in Cuba, part 2
CD: Coffee Contamination / Mariel Port, Spanish Harlem / Descarga Caramelo / Siempre me levanto (Full Orquesta mix) / Órgano de Bayamo / Sane Men Surround (Dedicated to Graham Greene) / Jazz Sepulchre / Dominoe Boys / Barrio Beats / Rough Plough, Diamond Needle / Peñalver, El Hombre / Picazón / Made in Cuba, part 2 / Includes CD-ROM shot on cool Super 8 film by NYC's 'LA CAFÉ' / Locations: 'Coffee Fields', Cuba and 'Spanish Harlem', New York City.
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