What is T.I.M.E.C.?
You are developing a galaxy of artists' websites?
Who the artists on T.I.M.E.C. label?
How can you contact us?
Where can you find the T.I.M.E.C. productions?
Why saounds.com?
Who write for T.I.M.E.C.'s sites?
Can I send my own links and reviews?
Can we send mp3, real or wma to saounds.com?
Where can I send a CD for a review in havanito.com, djouls.com, saounds.com or another T.I.M.E.C. site?
How can I be signed on T.I.M.E.C.?
What are the other T.I.M.E.C. sites?
What is T.I.M.E.C.?
T.I.M.E.C. stands for "The Incredible Melting Entertainment Companions", "companions" is to be pronounced the French way, i.e. com-pa-ny-on, which somehow ambiguously represents these happy sprites' way of mind. T.I.M.E.C. is a Parisian label as well as an artists' collective, each offering to the other his means of production and his know-how. The label works on his own, with a synergy between artists, united around Djouls, Grant Phabao and Captain Détendu, the three main agitators!
T.I.M.E.C. develops a whole galaxy of sites on the net for the artists and the public. All of them are linked together, following the cherished values of Coldcut from Ninja Tune: "Don't use the media, be a media" and "write your own history books".
In the same while, T.I.M.E.C. is preparing, with many friends, thematic albums; lounge, latino, Christmas to begin with, which are more pretexts than style exercises, but under a real artistic direction so as to produce concept-albums. With a story, a beginning and an end, these are albums to listen to and not consume. And promotion for the artists of course....
You are developing a galaxy of artists' websites?
Well, don't go too far, but in a certain sense, yes.
We already have 4 editorial sites:
Labels, artists and albums deeply reviewed each month by the T.I.M.E.C. artists. Selected and digested music news. More than 1500 pages to visit, and more, and more, and already more than 1 million visitors! (since 1999)
Editorial site launched in 1999
30,000 visitors each month since January 2000
50,000 visitors each month since January 2004
No promotion whatsoever, only word-of-mouth
20 numbers for the magazine
More than 2500 html pages
More than 1500 albums reviews
The interactive John's story
Almost 40 discographies of labels such as: Mo' Wax, Ninja Tune, Warp, Blue Note, Sci-fidelity... and artists such as: Frank Zappa, Herbie Hancock, Gomez, Phish, Fela... all commented by the label's artists
More than 100 T.I.M.E.C. mp3 distributed to 300,000 people
More then 400,000 mails received
More than 16,000 CDs burned
T.I.M.E.C. supports live music!
T.I.M.E.C. supports independent-minded music!
The ineffable compilation buyers' guide
Editorial site. Launched Sept 2003
Compilation buyers' guide
Promotion media for T.I.M.E.C. compilations |
Downloading guide for mp3, real and wma, spiced up by a debate on mp3... crunchy!
Everything about legal download news, that's to say more than 2,000 mp3 to download lawfully!
Editorial site Launched in January 2003
Downloading guide on mp3, real, wma
Promotion media and broadcast for the T.I.M.E.C. artists |
T.I.M.E.C.'s official site, to know all about these lunatics and their on-line and off-line activities ... you're there, enjoy the tour. |
As well as 5 other artists' site:
Ark's official site. Musician and eccentric DJ as we love them. The site is open now and you can subscribe to the mailing list to know all about his albums and live shows.
Artist's site
Captain Detendu's official site |
David°F' s official site |
Grant Phabao official's site. Musician, producer and pillar of T.I.M.E.C.
On top of being an excellent sound engineer for Pro-Zak Trax Label on which he released 4 exceptional 12", doctor Grant Phabao is working on his first album and, at the same time, produces not less than 20 other bands and artists. Register on his site to receive some ex-clu-si-ve mp3 very soon...
Artist's site
Launched in August 2003
Jeff de Paris' official site |
Kactus Hunters' official site |
Myster K's official site |
Professor Oz's official site. Musician, DJ, and weirdo producer as we like them. To know all about Professor Oz, ask him technical questions or download the unreleased mp3 he offers each month!
Artist's site. Launched in January 2002
Promotion media for "One" (Pro-Zak Trax/Barclay), now available in stores
Biography, discography, news, live shows, newsletter, exclusive mp3 and monthly play list...
A technical problem? Professor Oz answers your questions |
Lone Ranger's official site |
Other sites are under construction and will soon be launched depending on the activities of the artists we are working with, of course. So, in the end, it might not be a galaxy, but isn't that what you call to spin a web?
Who the artists on T.I.M.E.C. label?
T.I.M.E.C. publishes and produces numerous artists, others, longing for freedom, work from time to time, on a licence deal. We are trying to work with people sharing common anti-reactionary values, who are realistic about the music industry and how it suffers the same pollution as the air we are breathing each day.
The companions musicians: Ach! Baby, Ark, Candymen, Captain Détendu, Chuck Moe Reece, DJ Guarana, Djouls, DJ Tos, Funky Frenchman, George M., Gino Rossi, Grant Phabao, Half Brainometry, Havanito, JeSaisPas Orchestra, John DVDR, Le Sourire des Hommes, Los Lobes, Molesting Laura, Noisebuilder, Oncenfou, Popof, Popsa Nova, Professor Oz, The Great Flying Zampano, The Cheesewursts, The Joslyns, The Mighty Blunts, Tino Rosso, Tnargoabaph and Vatican 5...
Also add to this group of lunatics: graphic designers, web designers, photographs, journalists, and few consultants, ad you've got the T.I.M.E.C. bunch!
How can you contact us?
clic here : email
portable phone : +33. 6 87 36 40 27
Where can you find the T.I.M.E.C. productions?
The T.I.M.E.C. productions can be solely found in mp3 for the moment. More than 60 tracks have already been distributed.... We are currently negotiating with various distributors, and the albums should be out soon. The production of various albums is finished now, and they should hit the market very soon... unless they are available on a T.I.M.E.C. site before that...
Why saounds.com?
Since 1999, the debate on mp3, originally published on the djouls.com, has always been one of the most visited pages. That can easily be understood: Internet can be considered as the end of the over-powered music industry majors, and the emergence of small, ultra-organised independent networks. MP3, on the other hand, scares to death these majors, that are communicating like hell on how free music soon won't exist anymore on the internet, whereas indy labels offering their music are more and more numerous, finding hereby a way to communicate and promote their works out of the traditional medias all shacked up with the majors... Well, many things still have to be said and updated on this debate. And while we're at it, why not offering a real access to numeric music? There are so many incredible tracks to download... legally and freely! Of course, you'll see T.I.M.E.C. written everywhere, we're the one working and trying to promote our incredible music as well! Meanwhile, have nice downloads and we'll hope your tastes meet ours (especially the heavily pronounced one for the music, we call, with a smile, "stupid music").
Who write for T.I.M.E.C.'s sites?
Our journalist-webmaster-A&R-PR, Djouls for 90%, the rest are the artists companions.
Can I send my own links and reviews?
"Well yes! Well, you know don't hesitate, I mean." Georges-A
Can we send mp3, real or wma to saounds.com?
Of course. Only if what you're doing is protected by the SACEM, and you'll have to give us an exemption because we don't pay the SACEM for the author's rights (or to anybody else) for the downloads. As it wouldn't pay the artists back in proportions with their downloads, there's a high chance that we won't manage to find an agreement. However, if you manage your artist rights on your own, there's always a way to agree.
P.S.: our artists are still protecting their music via the SACEM, FOR THE TIME BEING, and are giving us the necessary exemptions.
Where can I send a CD for a review in havanito.com, djouls.com, saounds.com or another T.I.M.E.C. site?
44 rue Saint-Sabin
75011 Paris, France
How can I be signed on T.I.M.E.C.?
Send us a CD, a 12, a mp3... in other terms... sounds!
What are the other T.I.M.E.C. sites?